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A Wife's Job

In marriage it is more important to be the right person than to find the right person. If people thought more of their responsibilities and less of their rights, most marriages would be happier. Every Christian husband and wife should major in self-improvement.

Christian wives should seek to develop a beautiful spirit. There are some people with a beautiful appearance and an ugly spirit. The wife should not neglect her physical appearance, but she should give priority to her character. What is involved in a beautiful character?

First, a wife with a beautiful spirit is gentle and peaceful. People who nag, complain, criticize, and find fault all the time have an ugly spirit.

One time a group of children were in the bedroom making a terrible racket, shouting and throwing things. Finally the mother called out, “What in the world are you children doing?” Back came the reply, “We’re just playing mothers and daddies.” Sometimes quarreling best characterizes a married couple. Grumbling is the death of love. It is a major home wrecker. Marriages are wrecked by slow leaks, not by blowouts. Complaining is a habit. Avoid it.

Second, a wife with a beautiful spirit seeks to please her husband. Any marriage would be better if people would seek to please each other more. Selfishness is the root of much marital discord. We all have our pet peeves and it’s amazing how much we “pet” them. The wise mate avoids unnecessary irritations. 

Wives, develop a gentle and peaceful spirit. Seek to please your husband and your marriage will be much happier.

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