Depression is one of the most common of all emotions. It comes to all of us occasionally. It can range from mild and temporary to severe and prolonged. There are times when we just have the blues for a day or two, and there are other times when it seems as though the light of life has gone out.
When it comes to depression I know what I’m talking about. I’m not dealing with theory. I have been there myself. Out of my own experience I have pondered the cause and cure of depression. I have come to the conclusion that it is primarily due to a loss or a series of losses in a person’s life. It may be the loss of a loved one through death or divorce, the loss of a job (and with that a loss of self-worth and security), a loss of health, the loss of friends, the loss of familiar surroundings through a move, or a loss of self-esteem. Most of all, it may be the loss of hope. Depression comes when we find ourselves in a situation where life seems to be closing in on us and we see no way out. Our problems loom over us like some giant cloud that we feel will never go away.
Whether the loss is real or imaginary doesn’t really matter. The end result is the same—despair.
When this happens there is no need to tell a person, “Just snap out of it.” I used to think that was all that was necessary. Then one day I found myself in the pit of despair and I found out it was not that easy. Here’s what helped me and I hope it will help you.
1. Realize that some of it is normal and that we must simply live though it. We all have feelings. How then could we expect to suffer significant losses in our life and not find ourselves in an emotional hole? It just takes time to adjust to a loss, to accept life emotionally, and move on. It is easier to get into anything than to get out of it. That includes depression.
2. If it persists for a long period of time or is severe, we should see a doctor. Depression may be due to physical condition or it may be helped with medication. Deep depression is serious. It is possible to so despair of life that you no longer want to continue living and may even contemplate suicide. Depression is a soil out of which suicide eventually grows. So seek help.
3. Regain hope. This is where the Christian faith plays such a vital part in our lives. It gives us hope in the midst of the darkest experiences of life. Elijah was a man who experienced depression and despair. He felt alone, threatened, mistreated, and abused and he said he no longer wanted to live. It was only when he had a new and fresh experience with God that he gained a new and fresh outlook on life.
When depressed we too must rediscover God and a reason for living. We, like Elijah, may need to be alone, away from the pressures of life, to find this rebirth of spirit and soul. So when depression comes, seek God. He’s the ultimate source of hope and meaning in life.