While visiting Hong Kong years ago I asked our guide about his religious faith. He replied, “I’m a free thinker.” I asked a missionary friend what that meant. She said, “He has rejected the gods of his ancestors and now wants to be the god of his own life.”
We have become a nation of free thinkers in America. We’ve elbowed God out of the center of our lives and taken over ourselves. As a result, we have lost our moral and spiritual compass.
Eliminate God and you have eliminated the absolute standard for right and wrong. The result is the moral and spiritual chaos that we are experiencing today. Paraphrasing what Dostoevsky once said, “With God all things are possible, without God all things are permissible.”
Find God and you’ll find your moral and spiritual compass again. If we will return to God, we can regain or moral and spiritual bearings. Oh, how we need that today.