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Keeping Love Alive

If love is to continue in your marriage, it must be kept alive. There are some things that must be tended or else they will die a natural death. Love is like a fire. The Bible says, “Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out” (Proverbs 26:20). A fire left untended will soon die a natural death. Gossip without someone to spread it will also die a natural death. Love in marriage is the same way. Unless we continue to tend it, it will soon fade away.

How do we keep love alive in marriage? By expression. By saying, “I love you.” By tenderness, kindness, courtesy, thoughtfulness, and being considerate. Thoughtless, rude, or critical behavior is like throwing cold water on the fires of love.

How long has it been since you said to your mate, “I love you”? How long has it been since you bought them a gift for no special reason? Do you still say, “Thank you” for favors and “I’m sorry” for mistakes? Do you still compliment their dress, looks, meals, etc.? Words and deeds are the fuel to keep the fires of love burning. It is not enough to love a person; we must tell them so. We must say it and show it. 

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Paul W. Powell - www.PaulPowellLibrary.com

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