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Let Them Alone

One of the most serious problems facing our nation today is that of drug and alcohol use. Millions of Americans struggle with substance addictions. However the number of Americans who undergo treatment is not nearly as high as the number of those facing the problem. 

There is confusion about drugs in most people’s minds. Therefore I want to share the reasons why I think you should refuse the use of drugs and alcohol.

1. Because of what they can do to you. Drugs promise you many things: wisdom, power, and attainment of one’s full potential. However, they renege on these promises. Instead they are more likely to lead to brain damage (either physical or psychological) and birth defects in yet unborn children. The person who uses drugs is playing Russian Roulette with his mind and body, and thus is a fool. If you are invited to take a “trip” on drugs, remember this: it’s a trip to nowhere except down the drain. 

2. Because of what you may do while under their influence. This is perhaps the greatest danger. Drugs have the power to suspend your personality and hinder the functions of the higher centers in your brain. They warp your faculties of self-criticism, judgment, and restraint. Under their influence, people kill, steal, rape, and do many other things they would not otherwise do. Let them alone. 

There are two things a person can do to avoid the use of drugs. One is to decide ahead of time not to use them. Second, let Christ strengthen you. He has helped others, and he can help you also.

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