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Life’s Greatest Choice

Life has been defined as the sum total of a person’s choices. From the cradle to the grave we face many great decisions. What is life’s greatest choice?

It is not the choice of a vocation, or education, or a mate. Life’s greatest choice has to do with God and one’s spiritual life.

The Bible presents that choice to us when it says, “Choose you this day whom ye will serve” (Joshua 24:15). We are all either the servants of God or the servants of sin. We are mastered either by God’s will or our own appetites and desires.

We make life’s greatest choice when we decide which master we will serve. It is a choice that affects our life and happiness, now and our destiny in eternity. There are four significant things to know about this choice.

1. It is a necessary choice. Every person must choose for or against God. To refuse or neglect to make a choice is to make one. You may not make up your mind, but you do have to make your life. You can’t escape deciding something—even if it is the decision not to decide.

2. It is a personal choice. No one else can make it for you. As a friend of mine once said, “Every tub must set on its own bottom.” We are individually responsible to God and must individually choose.

3. It is an urgent choice. Life is going on. Life is uncertain and death is sure. Since we have no guarantee of tomorrow, we must do what we ought to do today.

4. It is a logical choice. When you consider all that God has done for you, it is logical that you would choose to serve him.

Joshua said of himself, “As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.” Is that your choice also?

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