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Making a Loan to God

The scriptures say, “He that hath pity on the poor lendth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he (the Lord) pay him again” (Proverbs 19:17). The Lord has always had a special concern for the poor and so should we. When we help them, it is as if we have made a loan to God, and God always repays his loans with interest.

The word of the angel to Cornelius in the Book of Acts thunders down through the centuries, “Your prayers and your generous gifts to the poor have come up as a sacrifice to God and have been remembered by him” (Acts 10:4 - Amplified New Testament). We know that our prayers go up to heaven but so do our acts of generosity to the poor.  

Dr. Bruce Thompson, who taught me history at Baylor University, once said, “Some of you young men will become pastors. If the time ever comes in your church when you have to choose sides, choose the side of the poor. That’s the side Jesus would be on.”

I don’t know about you, but that’s the side I want to be on.

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