You are one in a million so why bother to vote, to speak up, to get involved, or to commit yourself? The German author Hans Habe tells us why. He said, “The world is one percent good, one percent bad, and 98 percent neutral. That’s why what individuals do is so important.”
The tragedy of our world is neutrality. Most people want to play it safe. They are content to go along in order to get along. They are marked by indifference, unconcern, and cowardice. That’s one reason we are facing so many critical moral and spiritual problems today.
Jesus once said of all disciples, “Ye are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13). Whatever else you say about salt, you must admit it is not neutral. It makes its presence known. It influences and affects all it touches. It makes everything it contacts like it is—salty. We must be like salt. We must make our life, influence, and testimony count for good wherever we are. If we are godly, we must influence all we touch for God. We cannot be neutral.
The middle of the road is a poor place to walk, a poor place to drive, and a poor place to live. We Christians can never be content with neutrality. We should never be silenced by fear. We ought never to be accused of unconcern. We must become caring, courageous crusaders for righteousness. Otherwise our world will perish from moral decay.
Dante once wrote, “The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a time of moral crisis, maintain neutrality.”