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Prioritizing Jesus in Our Lives

I read sometime ago in Reader’s Digest an article that was encouraging people to be creative in dealing with various problems. And it suggested that if you go to a hotel and the innkeeper says that they do not have any room, rather than just turning and walking away, use your imagination. The article said that most hotels always save a few extra rooms for special guests, just in case. So you say to the innkeeper, “Do you mean to tell me that if President Reagan came here tonight asking for a room that you would turn him aside?” And the innkeeper will probably say, “Why, no, we wouldn’t turn President Regan away.” Then you say to the innkeeper, “Well, I don’t think he’s coming and I want the room you would give him.”

There is always room in our lives for people and for things that we count important. And if we know who Jesus is, and if we count Jesus as important, then we can manage somehow to find room for him in our lives. Our lives are never so crowded that there is not room for the Son of God.

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