Dan Bagby, a fellow pastor, once asked his seven-year-old daughter what she wanted to be when she grew up. That’s a hard question for a seven-year-old to answer. Her answer was even more surprising. She said, “I want to be like my brother.” He was fourteen at the time. Then she added a word that Bagby didn't even know she knew: “...mediocre.”
Mediocrity, being satisfied with less than our best in any area, is a menace and a malignancy. Retired Admiral Hyman Rickover said, “Mediocrity can destroy us just as surely as perils can. In a society that is willing to accept mediocrity, the opportunities for failure are boundless. I believe it is the duty of each of us to act as if the fate of the world depends on him.”
It’s a part of the ministry of Jesus to help us reach our highest potential. Follow him and he will do just that.