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Strife in the Home

Let’s face it: marriages do have their problems. Wherever two red-blooded people are building a home, you will find occasional spats, and now and then some fiery encounters. While occasional strife in a marriage is normal, continued conflict can be devastating. It can make life miserable and eventually destroy love. It has been well said, “Grumbling is the death of love.”

The Bible says, “Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than a houseful of sacrifices with strife” (Proverbs 17:1). There are three things everyone can do to avoid strife and have peace in the home.

One: practice patience! Patience is the ability to bite your lip when you feel like busting someone else’s. Everyone gets irritable at times but we must practice self-control. The close relationships of marriage and the home demand that we have much patience with each other.

Two: speak softly! Usually when something happens that we don’t like, or we have a disagreement, we begin to talk in a loud and harsh tone. In the future when this happens, why not try lowering your voice a decibel rather than raising it ten? It’s amazing how a calmer voice will help you have a calmer spirit.

Three: seek an armistice! Always be ready to put aside your pride and make peace quickly. The Bible says, “Let not the sun go down upon your wrath” (Ephesians 4:26). That’s good advice for every family. The three most important words in marriage next to “I love you” may be the humble admission, “I’m sorry, honey.”

One of life’s greatest blessings is a joyous and peaceful home. With God’s help and a real effort on your part, you can have such a home.

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