A Husband's Job

There are really only two problems in most marriages. One is the husband. The other is the wife. If these two problems are kept under control, then a marriage can be successful. Therefore, at least one half of the marital problems could be solved if men would live up to their Christian responsibilities. What are the duties of a Christian husband?

First, he must be understanding and cons...

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Author and former Congressman Bruce Barton (1886-1967) famously said, “Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things, I am tempted to think that there are no little things.” If ever a generation ought to be aware of this, it ought to be ours.

The problems of the world, everyone keeps saying, are so massive as to be overwhelming. Professor John H. Bunzel,...

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Avoiding Offenses

Some things are harder to repair than to build originally. One of these is a broken friendship. The Bible says, “A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city; and their contentions are like the bars of a castle” (Proverbs 18:19).

Nothing is more valuable than our friends. Asked the secret of his life, a great man said, “I had a friend.” Our friendships should be guarded wit...

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"Men are like steel; they are of little use when they lose their temper," said actor Chuck Norris. The Bible agrees. In Proverbs 16:32 the Lord says, “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.”

Everyone is tempted at times to fly into a rage of anger. There are occasions when we are all offended, insult...

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Family Worship

One of the greatest blessings of life is a Christian home. It is a source of strength and help for all of life. An essential ingredient in a Christian home is a family altar. You cannot have a Christian home in the fullest sense of the word without it.

What is a family altar? It is not a piece of furniture or a place. It is an event. It is a time when the family joins together for worsh...

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The Satisfied Life

There are millions who are wondering if there is not more to life than they have found. They are convinced that if there is not more, life is one great disappointment. In their search for satisfaction, millions are turning to narcotics, alcohol, pleasure, and sex. But the material things of this world do not satisfy. They are like drinking salt water. They cannot quench our thirst.


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Once someone was talking to a great scholar about a younger man. He said, “So and So tells me that he was one of our students." The teacher answered devastatingly, “He may have attended my lectures, but he was not one of my students.” There is a world of difference between attending lectures and being a student.

The word disciple means a learner, a student. Jesus continually ca...

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Attitudes in Marriage

The solution to most of the marital discord in today’s home is found in one line from the Bible. It is, “Take heed to your spirit” (Malachi 2:15). If our attitudes and dispositions are right, then we can live in love and peace in any relationship, including marriage.

What kind of spirit do we need to develop and maintain a good marriage?

1. A trusting spirit. A...

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There is a great deal of talk about reforming or even abolishing marriage. Some psychologists are saying that marriage as it now exists is failing to meet the needs of modern society. They say we have been forcing men and women to conform to the mold of marriage, when what we should be doing is changing marriage to suit the convenience and happiness of people. So they advocate  trial marriages,...

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