Here is a typical day for any pastor in America today.
Received a telephone call from a young lady who recently married outside of her faith. She is now having trouble from both sides of the family.
Worked on a funeral sermon for a dear friend who passed away.
Visited with a young couple. They are new here in town. She is lonely. Her parents live in a distant state and her husband is very busy. She knows no one and needs a friend to talk to.
Had lunch with a builder. It’s been raining all week and he is behind schedule. He has several houses he needs to start.
Went to see the doctor with some chronic problems of my own.
Visited the ICU unit in the hospital. A friend is recovering from a heart attack and several other church members were hospitalized and needing a visit.
Counseled a young man having marital problems.
Called on a businessman who is frustrated in his marriage.
You've heard it said to be kind to everyone because everyone is having a hard time. They are! All around us there is loneliness, sickness, distress, and despair. We need to be sensitive to it. One of my friends said to me, “You ministers always seem to find time to help people. I wish I would do more of that. We all have the same 24 hours. When I hear of someone in need I usually weigh their need against what I am doing and it doesn’t weigh enough. I guess I just don’t care like I ought to.”
Our own lives and our whole world would be vastly better if every one of us was more sensitive to the needs of others, more understanding of their problems, and more ready to help. Above all, do be kind to everyone because everyone is having a hard time.