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Three Courts of Life

There are three courts before which we must all be tried sooner or later. These are the court of public opinion, the court of conscience, and the court of God. None of these judgments should be taken lightly. The court of public opinion convenes daily in our town. Sometimes it meets in the cafe, sometimes on the street corner, and sometimes over the telephone. There...

Beware of Gossip

A prominent minister once said, “I have heard people confess to breaking every one of the Ten Commandments except the ninth: ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.’ Yet this is the one we all break most often.” What irreparable damage has been done to innocent people by thoughtless indulgence in this vice! Here is some g...

Politicking or Plowing?

I do not only believe in the inspiration of scripture, but I also believe in the application of scripture. We are obligated to practice as well as to preach the inerrant word of God.  It seems to me that a lot of people are busy espousing their positions on the scriptures without having submitted themselves in obedience to the scriptures. If we take seriously th...


Literary genius George Bernard Shaw stated that life’s ultimate statistic is the same for all people: one out of one dies. Death is no respecter of persons. Sooner or later death will blow its chilly breath into the face of every one of us. The Bible warns us that “It is appointed unto men once to die, after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). You ma...

Hurting Your Enemies

Jesus called James and John “The Sons of Thunder.” That’s because they had a short fuse. They would cloud up and rain all over you in a New York minute. When a Samaritan village did not show them proper hospitality they wanted to call down fire from heaven and destroy the entire population! That’s a normal reaction. When people are rude to us,...

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