Over the triple doorways of the Cathedral of Milan, Italy, there are three inscriptions spanning three beautiful arches. Over the first arch is sculptured a cross and with it the words, “All that troubles is but for a moment.”
Over the left arch is carved a beautiful wreath of roses, and underneath it are the words, “All that pleases is but for a mo...
In a day of easy credit, we must beware of too much debt. A man and his wife went to a financial advisor for help with their finances. The man told a friend, “The advisor recommended plastic surgery – that we cut up our credit cards.” That would solve a lot of financial problems. By the way, a man told me that his wife’s...
Comedian George Burns said, “People tell me I should save for a rainy day. But with my luck it will never rain and I’ll be stuck with all that money.”
In most lives some rain does fall. It helps to be ready when that happens. The Bible teaches, “The wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets.” (Proverbs 21...